We have pre-established programs, where you can learn about production units and practices that have helped to position Chilean aquaculture as a global reference. We can also customize our offer through specialized tours, event organization, coordination of tourist visits, etc.
Giras Tecnológicas
We offer a wide variety of guided technical visits to productive facilities, whether you want to visit freshwater units, seawater production, processing plants, diagnostic labs, food safety labs or Research and development facilities.
There are hundreds of these facilities spread out along 1,800 miles in Chile. If you have clearance to visit some of them, we can provide transportation and translation services (English-Spanish). Otherwise, we can coordinate authorization for you to enter some of those facilities, so you can observe first-hand how the Chilean salmon industry operates.
This is an industry with over US$ 5 billion in revenue per year, employing more than 70,000 people around the country to produce close to 800,000 tons of salmon every twelve months.
Among other examples, open-flow and RAS freshwater facilities can be mentioned, both hatcheries and smolt farms; farm sites with different levels of automation and habitability, mainly depending on how remote is their location; primary, secondary and high value-added processing plants, which make Chile the most developed salmon producing country in this matter; diagnostic and reference laboratories for different pathogens; food safety and quality laboratories; research centers and experimental stations; barges, wellboats, trucks and other means of transport; fishmeal and fish oil processing plants, as well as fish feed producers; pharmaceutical laboratories; factories of farming and processing equipment; naval design workshops, cold-storage units and a very long etcetera.

With us, these farms, processing plants and freshwater sites are at the tip of your fingers! All activities are set and scheduled depending on case-by-case requirements.

Organización de eventos
Contamos con experiencia comprobable en la organización de seminarios, talleres, reuniones, Webinars y ruedas de negocios, instancias que son un complemento perfecto para apoyar a nuestros clientes en la vigilancia tecnológica, de mercados y modelos de producción que prestamos mediante las giras tecnológicas.
En estas actividades, podrá contar con todo el apoyo de nuestros intérpretes especializados, así como elegir entre los distintos recintos y salones con los que tenemos convenios, tal como acceso a plataformas digitales adaptables a las necesidades de cada cliente.
Las posibilidades para fortalecer sus redes de contacto y de negocios son infinitas.

Logistics and Tourism
Ya sea la organización y ejecución de excursiones y otras actividades al aire libre, tales como senderismo, canotaje, descenso de ríos en balsa y kayak, canopy y escalada, entre otros; así como gestión hotelera, de alimentación o transporte, contamos con una amplia red de proveedores de alto profesionalismo y estándar, que facilitarán la plena satisfacción de sus necesidades.
Finally, within our wide offer, we also have interpreters who will help in your local interaction, having a high command of languages as well as extensive knowledge of the area.